All international ISO standards mentioned below specify the requirements for respective management systems and care thereby for a common understanding of these management requirements.
With an official ISO certificate
- the customer can be sure, that the supplier meets defined requirements
- the supplier again can avoid individual customer audits for showing, that he meets these requirements.
TL 9000 / ISO 9001 Quality Management
Scope: quality of products and services; customer satisfaction; conformity to legal requirements.
TL 9000 additionally specifies requirements for the telecommunications industry.
ISO 14001 Environmental Management
Scope: enhancement of environmental performance; fulfilment of compliance obligations; achievement of environmental objectives.
ISO 27001 Information Security
Scope: assessment and treatment of information security risks.
ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility
Scope: sustainable development; societal, environmental, legal, cultural, political and organizational diversity,
Note: a certification acc. to this standard is not yet possible.
DIN EN 16247-1 Energy Management
Scope: energy audit; improvement of energy efficiency.
In contrast to the ISO 50000 Energy Management System audits need to be done every 4 years only with DIN EN 16247-1 (Germany only).